2020年07月29日 作者:admin 来源:未知
Auditing and Attestation (AUD)
Business Environment and Concepts (BEC)
Financial Accounting and Reporting (FAR)
Regulation (REG)
Exam Structure
Each Exam section is delivered in five smaller sections called testlets. Each testlet features different item types (see below) used to test your knowledge and skills. To learn more about how each section is organized, including when you can take a break, review the CPA Exam structure.
Exam Item Types
You will be tested during the CPA Exam using three types of test items that appear within specific testlets in each section.
Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQ)
The multiple-choice portions are presented in the first two testlets of each Exam section.
Task-Based Simulations (TBS)
Task-based simulations are condensed case studies that test accounting knowledge and skills using real life, work-related situations. All task-based simulations are intended to assess knowledge and skills that are appropriate for an entry-level accountant. There are three TBS testlets in the AUD, FAR and REG sections, and two TBS testlets in the BEC section.
Written Communication Tasks
Written communication tasks appear only in the BEC section of the CPA Exam. For each of three written communication tasks, you must read a scenario and then write an appropriate document relating to the scenario. The instructions state what form the document should take (such as a memo or letter) and its focus. Your response should provide the correct information in writing that is clear, complete and professional.

Auditing & Attestation
>> Ethics, Professional Responsibilities and General Principles(15-25%)
>> Assessing Risk and Developing a Planned Response(20% - 30%)
>> Performing Further Procedures and Obtaining Evidence(30% - 40%)
>> Forming Conclusions and Reporting(15% - 25%)
AUD Section Blueprint (effective July 1, 2019)
AUD Sample Test (practice with the format and functionality of questions from this Exam section)

5 minutes — Welcome/enter launch code
5 minutes — Confidentiality/section information
4 hours — Testing time
15 minutes — Break after third testlet (option to pause Exam timer)
5 minutes — Survey