2020年07月01日 作者:meteor 来源:高顿网校

USCPA考试时间一年按照四个季度,分为四个Test window开放考试,每年的3、6、9、12月的前十天可以参加考试,其他时间除了美国的法定节假日以外,其他时间一律可以参加考试。考生不可在同一考试窗口重考同一科目,须等到下一个考试窗口;同一个科目每人每年可以考四次。
During this unique time,we understand CPA Exam candidates are concerned about their testing options.Although Prometric Test Centers in many parts of the world are currently closed due to the COVID-19 virus,we wanted to share some good news with you.
In response to numerous candidate requests,we are pleased to announce Continuous Testing for CPA Exam candidates will begin July 1,2020.Under the new Continuous Testing model,candidates will have the ability to take the Exam year-round,without restriction,other than waiting to receive scores from prior attempts of the same section or when there is a major change to the Exam.Continuous Testing will replace the existing CPA Exam Testing Window model,which only permits candidates to test during designated time frames each calendar quarter.

The 55 U.S.Boards of Accountancy enthusiastically support the move to Continuous Testing,as it positions candidates to re-take sections while information is top of mind and may shorten the time needed to complete the four-section Exam.We will continue to serve as a resource to the boards as they work to make the necessary changes to legislation in order to make the transition.In the interim,candidates are asked to review the below Continuous Testing Status map and visit NASBA’s website to confirm that their Board of Accountancy has transitioned to the new model.